
News | About | Playlist | Elektronische Muziek


Latest update: 14 May 2019

News 12-03-2005

Last month you could listen to Wilfried Jentzsch, and other various composers.
Here's the tracklisting for 25-02-2005.

News 06-02-2005

Added the playlist for 28-01-2005.

News 30-11-2004

Added the playlist for 30-11-2004.

News 29-10-2004

Added the playlist for 29-10-2004.

News 20-10-2004

Zaterdag 23/10 en zondag 24/10, worden er door de componist Wilfried Jentzsch voordrachten gehouden.
De deuren van de klankstudio in het Conservatorium te Antwerpen zijn geopend van 10:00h - 13:00h en 14:00h - 17:00h.
Een buitengewone gelegenheid om kennis te nemen van zijn compositorische inzichten en van het interactieve werk dat in de Hochschule für Musik Dresden de laatste tijd werd gepresteerd.

News 28-09-2004

The academic year has started again and parallel to this the forums and SEM workshops as well.
The next meeting takes place on October 5th at 7.30 p.m.
The CDrom featuring animations and music of the award winning participants of the Ars Electronica festival 2004 at Linz will be presented.
We welcome your initiatives and presentations of your own music.

Joris De Laet

News 03-09-2004

Added the playlist for 27-08-2004.

News 04-08-2004

Added the playlist for 30-07-2004.
note: Radio Centraal heeft een nieuwe frequentie en is te beluisteren op FM 106.7 MHz.

News 26-07-2004

Alle geïnteresseerden vinden vanaf nu op deze site een Cursus Elektronische Muziek Technieken.
Deze cursus, van Joris De Laet, bevat een overzicht van geluidsleer tot synthesizers, uitgebreid met meer specifieke onderwerpen zoals onder andere filters.
De informatie is reeds tientallen jaren oud, maar daarom niet minder belangrijk. Alle besproken technieken zijn immers ook in de digitale klankbewerking en creatie correct, én toepasbaar.


Maandelijks wordt u door SEM uitgenodigd voor een concert op de eerste dinsdag van de maand en op een workshop op de derde dinsdag van de maand.
Deze maand worden deze initiatieven verwisseld.
Het concert zal dus plaatsvinden op 17 februari.

Volgende dinsdag, 3 februari, is er dus geen concert maar wel een workshop. Het thema kan u zelf mee bepalen. Ondertussen is het een open forum voor iedereen en een manier om de digitale ontwikkelingen in de muziek (en op videogebied) op de voet te blijven volgen.
Suggestie voor dinsdag: improvisatie en experimenten met softwaresynths om vaardigheid en muzikale zingeving te ontwikkelen.
Breng dus uw laptops mee, of eventueel uw desktops. Monitors zijn ter plaatse.
Afspraak in de compositiestudio in het conservatorium vanaf 19.30 u.
Einde voorzien rond 22.30 u.

Tot dinsdag,
Joris de Laet


On Tuesday, 2 december, there will be an introduction of the music of the composers Jan Vandenheede (Belgium) and Phillipe Mion (France).

During these monthly meetings there are also video presentations.
In the passed we showed conversations with Karlheinz Stockhausen and a movie by Francis Dhomont.
This time, a visit at the electronic music studio's of the CRMW(Centre de Recherches et de Formation Musicales de Wallonie) will fill the screen. Later, there will also be time for documentaires of the festivals in Bourges, intervieuws, expositions, lectures and other studiovisits.

19.45h, Antwerp Conservatory, Desguinlei 25, Antwerpen
(Composition studio for Electroacoustic Music)

Entrance free.

It is also possible to request an interpretation of the previous radio program.



Added the playlist for 28-11-2003.


Added the playlist for 31-10-2003.


7 October, it's the first Tuesday of the month.
Since previous year this means there is a presentation planned at the Soundstudio of the Antwerp Conservatory.

You are all invited at 19.30h.
De Singel, Desguinlei 25

The entrance is free.

At these concerts everyone can ask questions and explanation about the used techniques and music. You can also suggest topics for next concerts or workshops.
Next Tuesday we will talk about the making of your own video and music on DVD-ROM, in Dolby Digital 5.1 format.

Program: Video Projections and Electroacoustic Music in 5.1.


Added the playlist for 29-08-2003.


Every first Tuesday of the month there is a concert of electroacustic music at the composition studio of the Conservatory of Antwerp.
You are invited to this concert that takes place on June 3th at the SEM/Klankstudio, conservatory, Desguinlei 25, Antwerp, at 19.45 h.

Free entrance.

The program is a reflection af the radio broadcoast of last Friday, May 30 th.
The music on the program will be a compilation of the Compendium International 2000 Bourges.

We hope to welcome you,
Joris de Laet.


Added the playlist for 30-05-2003.


Presentation of Electroacoustic Music Concert on Tuesday May 6th, 19.45 h.
Antwerp Conservatory, Desguinlei 25, Antwerpen
(also known as DeSingel building)


Free entrance,



Dear Friends,

Presentation of Belgian Electroacoustic Music Concert on Tuesday April 1st, 19.45 h.
Conservatory of Antwerp, Desguinlei 25, Antwerpen (also known as DeSingel building)

Program: octophonic works of Todor Todoroff, Paul Adriaenssens, Annette Vande Gorne, Elizabeth Anderson, Dirk Veulemans.
Most of these works will also appear on the program of the Belgian Federation concert during the next 33th.International Festival 'Synthèse 2003' at Bourges in June.

No entrance fee.
It's my pleasure and I hope to welcome you.



Direct Forum: Muziek uit de 21ste eeuw
Klankstudio Conservatory (room 147-148), Desguinlei 25, 2018 Antwerpen
4 feb 2003 19:45-21:00
entrance only for (ex-)students

There is a Direct Forum that gives the listeners and composers the availability to discuss and talk about the work played. All music is composed by people who follow(ed) the electronic music course in Antwerp, Belgium. You can view the full program here (Dutch).


Masterclass Ricardo Mandolini bio
Klankstudio Conservatory (room 147-148), Desguinlei 25, 2018 Antwerpen
31 jan 2003 10:00-13:00 and 14:00-17:00
Entrance: FREE

Ricardo Mandolini is a famous international Argentian composer of electroacoustic music, who studied with Guillermo Graetzer and Francisco Kröpfl, in Bueños Aires and with Hans-Ulrich Humpert at the Musikhochschüle in Köln.

In Lille he is currently responsible for the electronic music studio.
You find more information about him in FORUM3, the bimonthly magazine of the Antwerp Conservatory.

contact: semradio no@thanksat